See creatures of all kinds, from your sweet pet, to the Lake Erie Monster, Mothman, Unicorns, and Dragons! Dress up and bring your pet to explore the magic of Mythical Beasts.
Wild World of Wenches!
(in other words: LADIES NIGHT!)
JULY 13th & 14th
Join the Party… Women Rule. Meet warrior princesses, maidens, and wenches. Join us in celebrating our awesome ladies.
Imagination Travel Thru Tyme!
JULY 20th & 21st
Don’t just dream…but be your favorite character from any time: future, present, or past. Steampunk lives! Let’s see your creative costumes and live your favorite era!
Pirates, Princesses, and Pups!
JULY 27th & 28th
Arrgh! Invade with the pirates, rescue sweet princesses, and stand proud with the scallywags, rebels, and the lot. Maybe your pup can help.
Shamrocks & Shenanigans: A Celtic Celebration!
AUGUST 3rd & 4th
Join the high-spirited gang in music and great food. Pipes, clans, fun, and games fill the village. Be sure to don your favorite tartan.
Final Weekend! Fun for Gamers & Super Heroes!
AUGUST 10th & 11th
Join the Medieval Games…it’s a critical hit! Feast like a king! Party like an animal, sing, and dance. Hercules, First Responders, and caped characters abound!